2016-03-10 meeting minutes

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Workshop planning session

  • 3/09 - Planter Barrel - Heath

Useless machine workshop series: if you take all 4 of these the final project is to make a useless machine

  • 4/04 - Laser workshop - Dan
  • 4/11 - 3D Printing workshop - Heath & Josh
  • 4/18 - Arduino workshop - Steve &
  • 4/25 - Motors - Steve & Jenett

Radio Class - 20 seats open for this

  • 5/24 - Radio class part 1 - Nathan
  • 5/31 - Radio class part 2 - Nathan
  • 6/4 (Saturday) - BARC's Ham radio VE testing


  • Punk Rock Book Binding - Will
  • Zine Like it's 1990 - Will


  • Machining class - Nathan / 3 seats available / $20 for members, $80 for non-members
    • 4 week class to be held on the following dates (1 Monday and the rest Tuesdays) -
    • 6/6 (Monday)
    • 6/14 (Tuesday)
    • 6/21 (Tuesday)
    • 6/28 (Tuesday)

Dates TBD:

  • Homebrewing (beer) - Allyn
  • Screen Printing Party - Jenett
  • Fall programming course - Jenett
  • Soldering
  • Lift qualifying

Additional topics raised

  • Nick has the lift mounting location taped out on the floor
    • Intends to install columns Friday
    • Wiring can happen shortly after that
  • dust collector - Allyn has taken a preliminary look at supplies needed to finish this out
    • if we install outside, a Rubber Maid closet would be an easy way to protect it (in the alley way)
  • The Squink discussion has resolved to be a 3D printer acquisition project [1]
    • Joe & Max interested in leading this project, want to acquire a higher end printer
    • It would take 12 months for us to accumulate enough dues funds for this (assuming $2k, and after we fund the current project of the dust collection system)
    • May consider additional fundraising methods for this too