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Audio Electronics
BSIAB2 -Overdrive Guitar effect from General Guitar Gadgets
Ruby - 386 9V Amplifier by RunOffGroove
Fuzz Face - Guitar effect, using lay-out from General Guitar Gadgets Check on the progress here
Workshop Series-Audio Electronics
This is still in the brainstorming process, but I'm thinking 4-part series.
- CigarBox Guitar
- Building a Guitar pick-up
- Building a 1-Watt Amplifier
- Building a Fuzz Box
Tools for BloomingLabs
Prototyping Board(heres a vid of mine)
- plank o' wood w/mounted breadboard, terminal strips, battery box and angle-aluminum pre-drilled for pots/led/power/IO jacks/switches.
- designed for use with audio projects, but might be useful in other areas.
- the benefits of a protoboard is sturdiness and efficiency... no dangling jacks/pots/switches/batteries, allowing a more robust test of yr new circuit. yay!