Administrative Task List

From Bloominglabs
Revision as of 11:33, 15 December 2015 by Dosman (talk | contribs)
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These are tasks for the officers to keep track of.

  • Fire extinguisher testing
    • Need to find out how much this costs and where to get it done. Or figure out how we can do this ourselves.
  • Need a UPS for the RFID system
  • RFID reader on back door needs troubleshooting, gets garbage data at micro
  • Deploy the Home Heartbeat sensor system
    • Replace LiPo battery in remote so that the sensors can be joined to the system
    • dosman has replacement batteries for this
  • Get video security system running, workstation zoidberb is up and running, needs zoneminder installed
  • Integrate our CRM system into our new-member page so that we can have the membership applications stored digitally
    • Currently we have the open source version of SugarCRM deployed for managing contacts. I have it configured to allow storing our active member list along with all of the info on the membership application. The down side is that the free version of SugarCRM does not support an API interface. Some day I'd like to have the new-member page update this with their info.