2016 Yearly Meeting Agenda

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Revision as of 13:32, 23 January 2016 by Dosman (talk | contribs)
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Meeting held on January 23rd from 5-9pm.

Meeting Agenda

  • Lets get an acceptable pizza order sorted out before we start
  • 2015 Annual Report
    • Includes a year-end Financial report, member count stats, workshop summary, and summary for the year.
    • Where are we on our savings goal?
    • When can dues funds start being used for space improvements?
    • Previous discussion on this here: 2015-06-03_meeting_minutes
  • Change to QuickBooks and updates to dues invoicing
  • Officer election and vote

Year in review 2015

  • Moved these items to the top since they are covered by the 2015 Annual Report
    • What workshops did we have?
      • Arduino
      • Laser
      • C Programming Class
      • Metalworking(?)
      • Other(?)
    • Who all have we collaborated with this year?
      • MCPL
      • Discardia
      • Wonderlab
    • 501c3 status!
    • Separation from School Factory

  • Member exit survey responses
  • Low points
    • The engine lift and (not) renting more space dramas
  • High points
    • Lots of good new members
    • Space is getting more use than ever
    • People really stepped up contributing time, energy, and materials
  • What worked and what did not?
  • Are we getting in a rut and should try new things?
  • Water heater, finished drywalling workshop, workshop lighting
  • Has the ham radio area been useful for people?
    • Status of Mesh network with Harpo and others
  • Member project storage - is this working for folks?
  • (special recognition to members who've gone above and beyond the past year?)

2016 Goals

  • Dust collector
  • What can we do to keep areas cleaner?
    • And tools from being scattered to the wind?
  • Car lift status
  • Security cameras?
  • Painting logo on our building
  • Makevention 2016 - who's leading that?
  • Workshop plans? Volunteers?
  • Pursuit of Grants?
  • What are we shooting for, member wise? Hitting a certain number? Maintaining a 'sweet spot' (say around 45?) What is some of the feedback we've gotten from people who've left?