Public meetings

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Public meetings by weekday

Wednesday: 7pm - 10pm Thursdays, every 1st and 3rd week of the month: Card/Board Game Night, 7pm Fridays, every 2nd and 4th week of the month: Meat Night, 9pm Saturday: 1pm - 5pm

@ Bloominglabs, 1840 S Walnut St, around back.

Come build projects, ask questions, teach things, and learn stuff

Everyone is welcome!

Space Rangers

This section is a work in progress.

We are developing a program to help ensure that guests, new members, and workshoppers all have a good time when they visit Bloominglabs. This program is known as the Excellent Space Ranger Initiative: Laser Ingenious Conduct Overwatch Organization League, aka ESRILICOOL.

What is a Space Ranger?

Space Rangers are:

  1. Really cool.
  2. Responsible.
  3. Problem solvers.
  4. Pro-cleaning.
  5. Pro-help.

From the perspective of Bloominglabs Incorporated, Space Rangers are Designated Supervisors. This designation terminates when their assigned event concludes. Events "conclude" when time runs out or, if others stay late, the last non-member leaves.

What are the responsibilities of a Space Ranger?

Space Rangers volunteer to supervise a given public event ahead of time. They are responsible for making sure everything goes smoothly.

Ranger Duties

Space Rangers solemnly vow to:

  1. Before the event:
    1. Go through the Entrance Protocol.
    2. If a given item is blocked, provide a 1. safe, 2. clean, and 3. respectable workaround for guests until the item can be rectified.
  2. During the event:
    1. Enthusiastically greet visitors and give complete tours of the space (or an overview of the venue, if off-site).
    2. Ensure all newcomers have signed Liability Waivers before they start wandering around the space and touching dangerous machinery.
    3. Be available to answer questions and provide guidance on how to use equipment
  3. After the event:
    1. Go through the Exit Protocol.
    2. If a given checklist item is blocked, alert membership and seek advisement on how to rectify it.