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Noisebridge IRS request for more information

Actual IRS request


  • a. What does the activity entail? Include any program materials or distributions you make to the general public to further your exempt purposes.
  • b. Who conducts the activity? Indicate the qualification, position descriptions and duties for any parties involved.
  • c. Where is the activity conducted?
  • d. When is the activity conducted?
  • e. Does the activity have any personal interest to any organizational member? If so, please explain.
  • f. How significant is the activity in relation to your total activities?
  • g. Who may participate in the activity?
  • h. How do you decide who will be participating in your activities or services?
  • i. Is there a fee for participation in the activity? If so, please provide a fee schedule.
  • j. Please explain if individuals receive personal commission or other financial incentives for running your activities. If so, please explain.
  • k. Is the activity free and readily accessible to the general public? If so, please explain. Outside of word of mouth, how does your organization advertise its services to the general public?
  • l. How does the activity further your charitable or religious purposes?
  • m. What percentage of your total funds is dedicated to this activity (total must equal 100%)?
  • n. Do you work with any other individuals or organizations? If so, please explain all relationships to members of your organization and any resources exchanged.
  • o. What percentage of your total time is dedicated to this activity (total must equal 100%)?
  • Bloominglabs Workshops
    • Arduino Steve
    • AVR Steve
    • Motor Jenett
    • Machining Heath
    • Laser Dan
    • Barrel Heath
    • Soldering Steve
  • Classes - do these as one section, so answer all the questions for both classes at the same time.
    • AI Jay
    • Intro to Programming Jay
  • Public nights Steve
    • Open houses
    • Yearly Jenett
    • Holiday workshops Jenett
    • Flea market Jenett
  • Events
    • Spark.io Steve

Community Outreach

  • Events
    • Stop Motion movies (Library) Jenett
    • Hat making (Library) Jenett
    • Speaker making (Wonderlab/Library) Steve
    • Scribblebots (Wonderlab) Jenett
    • Cardboard simple machine (Wonderlab) Jenett
    • Bugbots (Wonderlab) Jay
    • Squishy circuits (Wonderlab) Jenett
    • Drawdios (Wonderlab) Jenett
    • Makey makey (Wonderlab) Jenett
    • Circuit Bending (Wonderlab/Library) Jenett
    • School Fairs (Pinnacle) Jenett
    • Scratch (Ham Radio) Jay
    • Geek Camp Steve
    • IU partnerships (Critical playshops) Steve
    • Arduino club (Library) Steve
    • Python club (Library) Steve
  • Fundraising
    • Wonderlab (Laser Maze) Jay
    • Pinnacle School (Wiener dog race) Jenett
  • Makevention Jenett