New 3d Printer

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Project page to raise money for a new 3d printer. If you would like to discuss the exact model to purchase please see the email thread in the member's list.


After conferring with several members familiar with 3d printers and checking this year's Make Magazine 3d Printer Shootout I have come up with 3 options. The first option favored and backed by several member's testimony is the Lulzbot Taz 5(2200usd.) This would provide fast and high quality prints combined with the largest print area and lowest maintenance and setup. The next option is a DIY delta printer that Heath is interested in pursuing for ~600 although parts cannibalized from the copier bring this price down to ~400. Delta printers are faster than traditional FDM printers and provide comparable detail with the most vertical print area at the cost of horizontal print area. Additionally I worry that another DIY printer would require more time spent on the printer not on the prints. A third option is a Form2 resin printer(3500usd.) The resin printer would provide the highest quality but small prints and would be expensive to maintain. I believe that the Lulzbot Taz 5 is the best option but I leave this open to the list to make a final decision. I will also make a wiki page for planning and will place links and further information there.After conferring with several members familiar with 3d printers and checking this year's Make Magazine 3d Printer Shootout I have come up with 3 options. The first option favored and backed by several member's testimony is the Lulzbot Taz 5(2200usd.) This would provide fast and high quality prints combined with the largest print area and lowest maintenance and setup. The next option is a DIY delta printer that Heath is interested in pursuing for ~600 although parts cannibalized from the copier bring this price down to ~400. Delta printers are faster than traditional FDM printers and provide comparable detail with the most vertical print area at the cost of horizontal print area. Additionally I worry that another DIY printer would require more time spent on the printer not on the prints. A third option is a Form2 resin printer(3500usd.) The resin printer would provide the highest quality but small prints and would be expensive to maintain. I believe that the Lulzbot Taz 5 is the best option but I leave this open to the list to make a final decision. I will also make a wiki page for planning and will place links and further information there.

Models to be Considered

[| Form2]

[| Lulzbot Taz 5]

DIY Delta Printer


Michael Fisher

Will Byrd

David Smith

Daniel Halsey

Nathan Heald