2017 Yearly Meeting

From Bloominglabs
Revision as of 12:56, 11 January 2017 by Dosman (talk | contribs)
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Meeting date and time TBD.

Meeting Agenda

  • If meeting in the PM, lets get an acceptable pizza order sorted out before we start so we don't have to stop the meeting.

Annual Report linked here

Year in review 2016

  • What workshops did we have?
    • Arduino
    • Arduino and Motors
    • 3D Printing
    • Laser Cutter
    • Arduino + Motors + 3D Printing + Laser Cutting as the 'Useless Machine' Series
    • Welding Day
  • Nation of Makers
  • Trebuchet (great group project + we won the accuracy prize)
  • Instructables Makerspace Contest (we achieved the 10+ Featured Instructables Prize level)
  • Member exit survey responses
  • Makevension 2016 - how did it go?
    • Makevention 2017 - are we doing it again?
    • Fundraising for our evenual move using Makevention?

2017 Goals

  • Keep an eye out for the next home of Bloominglabs
  • Fundraising for our move (build-out to make our current location habitable was about $1500)
  • Spring 2017 workshops
  • Keep Rockin'