2019 Yearly Meeting

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Boominglabs 2019 Yearly Meeting Agenda

Annual Meeting Preface

  • Welcome, new members since last annual meeting!
  • What is Consensus? - no STRONG opposition to a decision, doesn't mean everybody has to be 100% on board.
  • What is membership, and how does that happen?
  • What are donuts, and how do they magically appear?

Members Attending

Dan H. Steve C. Laura H. Alex V. Pete K. Rebecca Kevin M. Tobias Heath R. Jenett T. Matt dosman Jimmy L. Sarah W-D.

Gavin W. (via Google Hangout)

Financial Preamble

Electric: 1924.26
Freshbooks: 139.65
Garbage: 677.04
Gas*: 109.19
Insurance: 871.25
Internet: 897
Makevention: 277.66
Lowes/Menards: 1619.05
Metal Shop: 2363.91
Misc: 292.43
Parade: 41.78
Rent: 14968.25
Rent Deposit: 1000
Water*: 88.96
Government filings: 22
Workshop expenses: 135

Total expenses: 25427.43
Total income: 27775.10
Net change: 2139.64

Savings account
Initial balance: 2376.83
Ending balance: 2603.56
Net change: 226.73

Monthly Expenses

Rent: 1360.75
Electric: 200
Freshbooks: 20
Gas*: 40
Garbage: 48
Insurance: 73
Internet: 70
Water*: 50
Total: 1861.75

Full member rate / month: 46.5

  • started paying in October

Financial Postamble

2019 Expected Expenses
Rent: 1594.08 - Starting February
Electric: 200
Freshbooks: 32.5 ???
Gas: 40
Garbage: 48
Insurance: 73
Internet: 70
Water: 50
Total: 2107.58
Full member rate / month: 52.6895

2018 year in review

  • Member survey results
  • Member exit survey results
    • Need to send out exit surveys to members who left
  • Who have we collaborated with?
    • Community Foundation (STEM Lunches)
    • MCPL
    • Wonderlab
  • What workshops did we have?
    • Blender
    • Needle felting (attempted)
    • Soldering (x2)
    • Laser cutting and engraving
    • Arduino
    • Micropython and IoT
    • Build an IoT Switch (Jay Sissom)
    • Welding Day
    • Machining (x2)
    • Makevention onsite workshops:
      • Lockpicking
      • Soldering
    • Needle felting (actual)
    • #badgelife (with special guest hosts mzbat and 'Frank the Tank')
  • Makevention
    • 2018 (Year 6!) - how did it go?
      • Financial Report
    • 2019
  • Trebuchet.
  • Fundraising, donations, and attempts
  • The Move Pt2: The Move In
    • Remodeling
    • Space definition
    • Continuing work

Break for Lunch

Officer elections

  • Prospective Nominees:
    • President: LaserDan
    • Treasurer: Heath
    • Secretary: Sarah
    • At-large: Laura, Pete, Alex, Jimmy

2019 Pressing issues, goals, and things to discuss

  • 2019 bylaw change proposals - broken out to a separate page to keep discussion clearer
  • The Space!
    • How happy are we? Do we want to talk with Mark now about a long-term lease?
    • How much do we need the kitchen?
  • Members!
    • Better onboarding needed, but how?
    • Better access to spaces, but how? /s
    • Member photo wall
  • Software infrastructure
    • FreshBooks price increase
      • Alternatives matrix
      • How do you pronounce "Apricot"?
    • Actually getting other systems off Dosman's Linode instance
  • Security infrastructure
    • Additional RFID equipment
    • New door?
    • Cameras
    • Reflective film for glass doors
  • Cleanliness and excellence
    • "Is this the best use of this space?"
    • "What if someone parked their stuff in space I wanted to work in?"
    • "What if someone put a parking sticker on my project?"
    • "
  • Other space needs
    • Fume hood exhaust hole
    • Enhance dust collection w/filter & cyclone/baffle
    • Good shop-vac to replace Gavin's
    • ??
  • Membership goals
  • Workshops, Workshops, Workshops!
    • Machine knitting (already on the schedule)
    • Laser cutting
    • Soldering
    • Book binding
    • Sustainabarrels?
    • Welding?
    • Arduino
    • Fun with LEDs
    • Needle felting
    • How not to be on fire/Avoiding being called "Stumpy" (workshop safety)
    • Resin casting
    • Recording your work (photo/video)?
    • Tool overview?
      • Do we want to upgrade our laser? (90W, 120W, etc)
      • Do we want to fundraise for a new big tool? (CNC table router, Wazer/water jet, CNC metal mill, etc)
      • Still intend to sell 3rd lathe which can help raise funds (dosman)
  • Non-workshop event days
    • Open houses
    • Rummage sales
    • Show and Yell
    • FIY days
  • Space workdays
    • Recycling runs (req. commandeering a truck)
    • Cleaning
    • Maintenance
    • Junk teardown
    • Repair
  • We have a wind turbine generator in storage at dosmans that belongs to the space
    • And two power inverters in the electronics room for battery charging
    • And a large solar cell in the members room which Will left behind
  • Laboratory fume hood vent hookup
  • Makevention
    • Volunteers vs Exhibitors
    • Bloominglabs booth
      • Dedicated runner who is not the booth organizer
      • Members who have booths should not double-dip on Bloominglabs vending space
    • Committee members? JOIN US!
  • Anything else?