2021 Yearly Meeting

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These notes appear to have never been posted at the time the meeting was held, this is information gathered one year after so at least some record of the meeting exists.

Meeting agenda and notes from the 2021 Yearly Meeting, this was held February 21, 2021.



  • Rebecca
  • Jenett
  • Dan
  • Apple
  • Smokey
  • Heath
  • Adam Stichter
  • Jimmy
  • Kevin
  • Nathan
  • Steve
  • Tobias
  • Julia
  • Alex
  • Michael Thompson
  • Jason Brown
  • Cam
  • phone person just joined 2:04pm

2020 Annual Report

The 2020 Annual Report contains a good summary of the major events we faced in 2020.

2021 Elections/Board

Quorum was achieved consisting of at least 25% of our voting membership.

  • Rebeca, President
  • Jenett, Treasurer
  • Cameron, Secretary
  • Daniel, At Large
  • Pete, At Large


I don't have any detailed notes from the agenda. See the Annual Report for more details.

  • Dues rates increase in 2020 - old rates were grandfathered, won’t be issued ever again
    • New rates: $50 for full memberships, $25 for reduced rate memberships