2022 Yearly Meeting

From Bloominglabs
Revision as of 18:46, 12 March 2022 by Dosman (talk | contribs)
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Agenda and notes from the 2022 Yearly Meeting. This meeting was scheduled and held held on March 12th 2022.


Quorum was achieved with the attendance of at least 25% of our voting membership.


  • Rebecca - sitting President
  • Jenett - sitting Treasurer
  • Dan - sitting At Large
  • Kevin
  • Pete
  • Heath
  • Steve
  • Pealer
  • Josh G.
  • Nathan
  • Tobias
  • Jimmy
  • Apple
  • John S.
  • anyone I missed?


  • New members were voted in for President, Treasurer, Secretary, and both At-Large positions on our board:
    • President - Tobias
    • Treasurer - Josh G.
    • Secretary - Jimmy
    • At-Large - Apple
    • At-Large - Rebecca