2015-07-16 meeting notes
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Are we going to do this
can we afford it
- Nick is at ~$700 in pledges
- installation equipement, bolts, shims, bit, impact wrench
- children shouldn't free range here anyway
- we could paint lines on the floor for allowed spaces
- signage
1. fluid in, fluid out
2. trained members only
We could do it on a 6 month trial basis
Where is it going to go
18" from stress relief scores
may have to move some light fixtures
To the side
- alleviates concern of people leaving projects for long time periods
- 45 degree angle where current workbenches are
In the middle
- social pressure to not leave things for long periods
- tape marked out on the floor
At the end
- space, more out of the way if people leave things on the lift
- more pressure to keep center clear
- woodworking tools can fairly easily be moved around
- must be ~10-12' from the wall
Policies (waste oil, etc)
- company does not care -Jenett
Do we become liable for waste oil, fluids, etc, from auto work
- in over a year, we have none. that sets a good precedent
- several places take used oil for free
- recycling center, among other fluids
Must be a member to be certified to use it
- laser, lathe, mill, welding equipement
- Contain your project to its associated area
- Should set up a storage area