2024 Yearly Meeting

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Revision as of 00:35, 25 February 2024 by Dosman (talk | contribs)
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Agenda and notes for the 2024 Yearly Meeting. This meeting is scheduled for February 24th, 2024.

Meeting Agenda

  • Establish Quorum
    • Quorum requires at least 25% of our voting membership. Total voting members TBD.
  • Present 2023 Annual Report - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HkYlIcYCGK602bxkjwyx-LHS_Wt54BtKRajHD1UeM5A
    • Treasurers report (contained in the 2023 annual report - link TBD)
    • Verify annual report activities section accounts for all workshops/activities that took place in 2023
  • Vote on board positions
    • Propose and establish next board meeting date for 2024, and meeting frequency
  • Makevention status
    • First Makevention committee meeting of the year still due to happen, previous one was canceled due to scheduling conflicts
  • Bloominglabs value survey results
  • Status of water infiltration from metal shop
  • Establish a future meeting date for a workshop planning session
    • Pick a date in mid-late March to hold a public eclipse viewing filter making workshop - we provide the filter film, and help people make custom filters for telephoto lenses, telescopes, and binoculars that the public brings in
    • Rest of details to be determined outside of this meeting
  • Kevin & Comcast


  • Current Board 2023:
    • President - Ian
    • Treasurer - Apple
    • Secretary - Jimmy
    • At-Large #1 - Pealer
    • At-Large #2 - Rebeca
  • New board voted in for 2024:
    • President - Calob
    • Treasurer - Jimmy
    • Secretary - Kyle
    • At-Large #1 - Nathan
    • At-Large #2 - Apple